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Život s voluharicama – nadrealne priče



Standard Literature – Without Vocabulary Section

Pages: 244 ISBN: 978-3750202597 | Formats: paperback, e-book

Level: First Language C2 – Superior
up to 5,500 words – for learners who are able to actively use the present, future, perfect tenses, verb aspects, phrases, colloquial language, and have understanding of literary language

About one hundred short stories in Croatian language about the surreal world of voles and other phantasmagorical creatures that create a strange, fairytale and utopian world. Through the main form of dialogue, we go to a densely interwoven structure of a multitude of characters and their relationships – in the family, in relationships, and in business. This relationships examine in an allegorical, funny and often ironic way our contemporary urban life, human fates and errors. It was written with minimalist precision, almost sketchy, with a dynamic alternation of events and with open and ambiguous endings.

Stotinjak kratkih priča na hrvatskom jeziku o nadrealnom svijetu voluharica i drugih fantazmagoričnih bića koja stvaraju neobični bajkoviti i utopijski svijet. Kroz načelno dijalošku formu mi upoznajemo isprepletenu strukturu mnoštva likova i njihovih odnosa – obiteljskih, ljubavnih i društvenih. Ti odnos preispituju na alegorični, duhovit i ironičan način naše savremene urbane živote, ljudske sudbine i zablude. Pisano je minimalistički precizno, gotovo u kroki scenama, s dinamičnim izmjenama događaja i otvorenim i višeznačajnim završetcima.